Claim your free copy of Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
If you're in the market for some free gaming (and generally who isn't?) then you'll probably want to head over to Origin, where Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is currently free as the latest "On the House" offering.
On the House games are giveaways that EA throws out now and then, with nowarning or pattern that I can detect, and no indication as to when the offer will come to an end. Basically it's theKarma Chameleonof digital distribution programs, so grab it while you can.
To claim your free copy of Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, just go to, click the "get it now" button, and do what it says. You will need to have Origin installed, so you'll want to take care of that too, if you haven't already. And if all this strikes you as a little familiar somehow, you're not wrong: Pacific Assault was also an On the House game in March of last year.
Kacem Mathlouthi is a Tunisian Gamer and Blogger who loves video games and technologies.
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